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Home / Potholder Loom Kits / Potholder Loom Deluxe 552

Potholder Loom Deluxe 552

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Traditional loom #552 Deluxe



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Kit makes Six 6" x 6" potholders

This high quality traditional loom is custom made and allows you to make colorful potholders for your home, gifts or to sell. The Deluxe loom has loops to allow for 6 potholders. The improved peg design is metal, not plastic and the loops do not slip off easily while you weave.


Sturdy metal loom 7" x 7"
2 Hooks (one metal for loop weaving and one plastic for finishing)
Illustrated instructions with lots of ideas
Enough cotton loops to make 6 potholders
100% Cotton multicolored loops

Additional loops sold separately